:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Extinction Rebellion…
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Autor: psy
Fecha: 2019-10-12 21:24 -000
A: The New Meta
Cc: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Extinction Rebellion?
On 10/12/19 2:45 AM, The New Meta wrote:
> Well, what are your thoughts? What type of extinction? Self-inflicted,
> caused by a person or people, or natural disaster?

Extinction will begin when humanity forgets the cause of problems and
focuses solely on solutions. At that point, it doesn't matter where the
final state of extinction comes from...

> Many kinds all of which could lead to a rebellion.

We need to use chaos, but not just any chaos. Many people want
everything to be destroyed so that something new emerges. And it is not
always like that. Moreover, many times everything is destroyed to create
something worse.

> Doesn’t really matter for all three unless you have power and money and
> even then, at least one of those doesn’t discriminate.

The issue goes beyond own resources. In the connected era, we are
weaker, but also stronger. And money, although it serves to pay for
violence, does not serve to silence injustice. It's a matter of time.

The problem is still "how", not "when" or "where" must start a rebellion.

And the difficulty of the connected era is that they should not be
concrete focuses that can be turned off by money / violence, but rather
something distributed, coordinated and global. A paradigm shift.
Something really complex, when people are so distracted looking at
stupid screens. Who knows, maybe they end up getting tired before the
next nonsense. It is that gap that we must take advantage of.

> Might I suggest you take a few breathers? Thinking about this sort of thing
> can’t be healthy...

Life is Beautiful. Please, never forget it!


> Best,
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 7:40 PM Alexander Ross <maillist_unsystem@???>
> wrote:
>> wondering what your opinions,thoughts,feedback are?
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