:: Re: [DNG] I wrote IBM
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Lähettäjä: Hans Kramer
Päiväys: 2019-09-29 12:39 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] I wrote IBM

On 29.09.19 05:36, golinux@??? wrote:

> Sorry Steve . . . I think this idea is naive, ill-advised and a tactical error that could have very real, unintended consequences. I do hope that neither Devuan nor s6 was mentioned in the letter that you sent.

I don't get that as well, I mean - who cares about the business model if IBM / Red Hat? I can understand your motivation, we all know that systemd sucks, but bothering people won't make this much better. They may need to find this out by themselves.

Hans Kramer
Linux Consultant & Trainer
Mail: kramer@???

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