:: Re: [DNG] ..the D in Systemd is for…
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Autor: Steve Litt
Data: 2019-09-27 19:14 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] ..the D in Systemd is for Directories: Poettering says his creation will phone /home in future ... albeit with broken SSH login
On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 10:41:01 -0500
golinux@??? wrote:

> Sigh . . . If only Devuan development could generate the
> participation and enthusiasm that the silliness of systemd bashing
> does . . .
> golinux

Nothing silly about it. Devuan was born from systemd bashing. And
poettering's latest idea is another complexified interaction burr that
will, if accepted in the general Linux world, increase the level of
incompatibility between Devuan and the rest of the world. Which means
Devuan needs even more developers to work around those additional

On the other hand, if poettering fails, Devuan's mindshare goes way up,
because the VUAs were the first and pretty much only to put their code
where their mouths were.

What I *do* suggest is that we aim more of our systemd-bashing at the
proper people at IBM, so that maybe we can have a good result. Which is
why I asked for which people at IBM should be written to.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt