:: Re: [devuan-dev] udisks2 in beowulf
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Autor: fsmithred
Data: 2019-09-04 13:27 -000
Para: devuan-dev
Assunto: Re: [devuan-dev] udisks2 in beowulf
On 9/4/19 9:34 AM, Mark Hindley wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 08:34:19AM -0400, fsmithred wrote:
>> apt-cache depends udisks2=2.8.1-4
>> udisks2...
>>    Depends: libpam-systemd
>>      libpam-elogind

>> Looks like we're good to go with that.
> I think the same is true for ceres as well.
> Thanks
> Mark

Does anyone need or want to use udisks2 without libpam-elogind? I know
there are some people who don't want any elogind on their system. I
suspect they are the same people who don't use a display manager. Do they
need udisks2?

I'll put this on the pad for today's meeting.
