Autor: Hendrik Boom Data: 2019-08-22 09:56 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] Cannot mount android phone via usb
On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 10:32:01PM -1000, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> According to apt-cache search, udev is a transitional package for
> eudev. So does that mean I have an issue with eudev?
I don't know about udev and eudev, vut an Android phone is an MTP device --
the Music Transfer Protocol.
The only way I succeed in accessing my Android phone (a Nexus 5) is to put
it into developer mode, and to use adb on my Linux-based system. That's the
Android debgger.
Android fiercely protects the data stored on it against even its owner.
Gaining root access the official way -- without depending on Android bugs
-- deletes all the data on the phone.
Whereas developer mode has restrictions, but doesn't delete your data unless
you ask it to.
> Grateful for any advice toward diagnosing or resolving this
> issue!
Hope this helps, and that you don't already know it.