:: [DNG] Continuing the quest for a de…
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Fecha: 2019-07-16 12:54 -000
A: dng
Temas antiguos: Re: [DNG] Firefox-esr freezes ASCII
Asunto: [DNG] Continuing the quest for a decent browser
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:35:54AM +0200, Stephane Ascoet wrote:
> From: Steve Litt
> >
> > What browser do you use instead, Edward. All browsers suck, and I'm
> > still looking for a good one.
> Did you try Netsurf?
> There is Midori too, but it installs too much dependencies.

I'm still wishing Midori would sort listings of directories on my home machine
in any kind of alphabetical order. These are the ones I access with URLs like

I'd be happy sorted into Unicode order
I'd be happy if capital letters were mixed in with the ccorresponding
lower-case letters.
I'd be happy if *all* capital letters occurred before all the lower case
I'd be happy with almost anything that makes a long directory listing
searchable by eye.

-- hendrik