:: Re: [DNG] UDP ports used by chromiu…
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Auteur: Rick Moen
Datum: 2019-07-16 01:18 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] UDP ports used by chromium
Quoting Hendrik Boom (hendrik@???):

> But why, why, is a browser listening on a socket that's used for printer
> discovery? Is the browser acting as a printer proxy for everyone on the LAN?

This particular dumbness appears to all about ability to broadcast your
desktop over Google Cast (sometimes called ChromeCast), which uses
Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) and mDNS. See, you only
_thought_ you wanted to decide what network services are chatting
mindlessly to the world by default. Google, Inc. knows better than you.


But you can indeed turn that sucker off, you ingrate. ;->