:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Ju…
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Auteur: Plasma
Date: 2019-07-14 02:19 -000
À: devuan-dev
Sujet: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Jul. 10, 2019
And now for your kind attention, the devuan-dev meet notes from
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019.



# Devuan meet July 10, 2019 @20:30 UTC

Pad is here:

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
   * Please post notes prior to the meet.
   * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the
   * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please
     pre-pend your name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: golinux, fsr, danyspin97

## Old Business

### golinux
- Nothing added to the async pad in weeks.
- Is there another list of things that need attention before Beowulf is

### fsmithred
- pkgmaster is stalled again

### palinuro
- grub2 conflict on efi-signed packages
- some questions about the d-i development
- mirrors network / CDN (may i help?)
- just curious
  - (gl) palinuro has offered to host a package mirror is the US.
    Will connect with Evilham and onefang
  - (gl) ParrotSec is also moving to Devuan.

## Old Actions
- So where are the donated BTC? It should be trivial to clarify that
  with a mail to DNG or an amendment to the financial reports.
  My guess right now is that you guys invested into the OPAIR scam.
  - (gl) Whoever is pursuing this. Please stop. It's obvious
    documentation isn't going to be provided. It is an achilles heel
    that I would not want hanging over an organization for which I was
    responsible but different strokes and leadership decisions that we
    have to live with because it's out of our control.

## New Business

### golinux
- Jaromil: Did you respond to offer of donated hardware?
- Website updates needed. Much info is outdated. I will start pecking
  away at it hopefully with Plasma's help but on my own if necessary.
  On the team page, some new names need to be added and others moved
  to a contributors section because they are no longer active.
  -(gl) No discussion possible due to lack of attendance
  - Devuan is now registered in Debian's census thanks to Centurion_Dan:

### LeePen
Sorry I will not be able to be present. A few things I have been working
on for beowulf:
- I have an update for elogind (upstream 241.3) that I am testing.
I propose to build it for unstable.
- I hope slim-1.3.6-5.1+devuan4 from ceres to go into beowulf.
CenturionDan was looking at it, but I think there is an issue
with beowulf's consolekit2 is missing.
- I have some cleanups for policykit that are waiting to be reviewed:

(gl) Would have been nice to have you there.
Thanks for your contributions. :)

## New Actions

### Thomas H
- found a broken link. can I report it here? Its on
  https://devuan.org/os/issues at the botton "the d1h helper guide".
  Did not find the correct link in the forum.
  - (golinux) - The d1h is broken and I thought that all references to
    it had been removed. Obviously missed that link. I'll remove it now.
    Perhaps I missed it because I don't think that page is even linked
    to from anywhere on the published site because it talks about Jessie
    and the site was updated for ascii a year ago.  Thomas . . . where
    exactly did you stumble on a link to that page? In any case that
    line has been removed.
  - (thomas) - Found it on a previous pad
    scroll to the bottom
  - (gl) Wow! That's a blast from the past! libsystemd0 is gone from
    beowulf so that page is no longer relevant. I'll make sure that it
    is no longer acessible from that old link.  Will now come up a 404.
    If this is the most important action we have, we're in trouble.