Autor: Merlijn Wajer Data: 2019-06-09 22:35 -000 Para: maemo-leste Assunto: Re: [maemo-leste] How to become a Developer
On 09/06/2019 16:22, Matteo Bonicolini wrote: > Hello,
> I'm new to mailing list and I''d like to support the project. I have
> an n900 and I worked with OpenMoko. I have a background as Linux
> embedded developer and I'm a Gentoo user.
> I'd like to become a developer/contributors to the project. What is
> the right way to start?
The recommendations we gave on IRC, summarised:
1. Use github to fit in our workflow
2. Maybe help out with icd2/connui/ofono ATM
3. look at bugtracker and pick up issues
4. Developing in VM is probably easiest.