:: Re: [devuan-dev] Task: 2019-06-05 (…
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Auteur: fsmithred
Date: 2019-06-05 00:47 -000
À: devuan-dev
Sujet: Re: [devuan-dev] Task: 2019-06-05 (rrq) pkgmaster master needed to fix release links
On 6/5/19 1:12 AM, Ivan J. wrote:
> I've attended the symlinks and it should be propagated to our mirrors in
> due time.
> Can anyone confirm that this is correct? https://pkgmaster.devuan.org/merged/dists/

I can confirm that updates are working again, and I think I checked them
all. It's also working for the guy who reported that "stable" was no
longer working.

