:: Re: [DNG] Install failure: cannot b…
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Lähettäjä: Blair, Charles E III
Päiväys: 2019-05-27 03:05 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Install failure: cannot boot netinst

>    I am trying to install devuan (ASCII) on
> an Intel NUC with a DVD device attached.  I
> downloaded the netinst file.  It passed the
> sha256sum tests.  I burnt it to a CD on a
> different computer.

>    When I put it in the new computer and
> start it, I get the message:

> > Image Authorization Fail.
> > System cannot boot to this device due
> > to security violation.

After posting, I learned that I should
disable "Secure Boot" in the bios menu.
However, I have a different problem now.
When booting, the CD-DVD reader makes noises
as though it is reading the netinst CD, but
all I see on the monitor is the cursor in
the upper-left corner, no diagnostic messages.

Again, thank you for any help.