:: Re: [DNG] calendars, contacts, to d…
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Skribent: Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Dato: 2019-05-25 08:25 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] calendars, contacts, to do lists
Anno domini 2019 Sat, 25 May 02:52:02 -0500
Rod Rodolico scripsit:
> I have used an OwnCloud (owncloud.org) server for several years now,
> both internally and for a few clients, with great success. It's main
> target is file sharing (similar to Dropbox), but it has contacts and
> calendaring also which support carddav and caldav.
> carddav and caldav are native to OS X (and IOS), and there are clients
> available for Android. There is also a fairly decent plugin (addon,
> whatever it is called) that does them for Microsoft Outlook.
> I mainly use it with our Android phones internally, and with
> Thunderbird. Lightning natively supports caldav, but you have to add a
> plugin for carddav into the address book.
> Tasks are in caldav format, but appear to have some header that shows
> them in the task tab under Lightning, and in the task app under Android.
> We have separate, shared calendars based on group (Accounting,
> Technician, Maintenance, etc...), plus personal calendars which may or
> may not be shared depending on the individual users preferences.
> NOTE: there is a split from Owncloud called NextCloud (nextcloud.com).
> It is my understanding there was a conflict about commercialization, so
> the original author created NextCloud as a pure open source project. I
> intend to test that and, assuming it does as advertised, move to it, but
> I can not say from personal experience how well it works at this time.

Does Thunderbird lightening work reliable in your setup? I have problems with it greying out accounts, calenders, not syncing, then syncing again.


> Rod
> On 05/23/2019 09:44 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > I'm looking for software to handle appointment calendars, contact
> > lists, and todo lists.
> >
> > Yes, I realise I may not find an ideal one. I'm open to wriging my
> > own if necessary, or (prefereably) modifying others' open-source
> > versions, (or even more prefereably) finding one that is already ideal.
> >
> > What I'd like it to do, besides the obvious ones of storing my data and
> > letting me edit and dispay it.
> >
> > * I should be able to use it on Devuan.
> >
> > * Ideally, it should use replicated data. Like the way distributed
> > revision control is used to replicate source code. Yes, I'm willing to
> > handle merge conflicts manually on sync, but I do want to be in control
> > of merging and possible race-conditions.
> >
> > * I don't want to need aways-on network connectivity,
> >
> > * I don't want to depend on Google's calendar services, but I'd like to
> > be able to use them to coordinate with other people who do.
> >
> > * I'd like to be able to use established protocols rather than inventing
> > my own.
> >
> > * I'd like to be able to access it on android as well as plain desktop
> > Linux. (The desire for android compatibility will drop away if I
> > ever get a plain-Linux phone). (This could be a web interface)
> >
> > * I'd like the system to be simple in concept and execution. No bloat,
> > no incomprehensible frameworks, etc.
> >
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > -- hendrik
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