:: Re: [DNG] Devuan AMI
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Autor: Bruce Ferrell
Datum: 2019-05-21 16:01 -000
To: Josef Grosch, dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Devuan AMI
On 5/21/19 8:10 AM, Josef Grosch via Dng wrote:
> On 5/21/19 7:37 AM, Jaromil wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 May 2019, Josef Grosch via Dng wrote:
>>> On 5/21/19 2:13 AM, Antony Stone wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 03:34:55, Josef Grosch via Dng wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> Is there a community Devuan AMI out there?
>>>> Sorry, what's AMI in this context?
>>> I was looking for an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) of Devuan.
>> perhaps what Alexey is working on here comes of use
>> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20190514.143417.a5160e38.en.html
>> he is asking for feedback on the devuan-dev mailinglist
>> quote
>> """
>> I've been busy with Packer and have added more cloud builds and images of
>> Devuan Ascii for more clouds. Currently, the following clouds build (and
>> work), with some images available for immediate use:
>> 1. AWS EC2
>> 2. AliYun (AlibabaCloud) ECS
>> 3. Microsoft Azure
>> https://github.com/ConsulTent/devuan-builder/
>> I've posted what images I could public. Please test, use, give feedback,
>> etc. :)
>> """
>> ciao
> Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for and, added bonus, there is a
> procedure to build a new AMI. I'll be digging into this tonight after work.
> Josef

Hi Josef!

I've done this for other things and found the method is just wee touch convoluted as the build doesn't happen on Amazon at all.

In broad brush strokes:

1.) build a virtual image locally (VMWare, Virtualbox etc)

2.) Export the image from the virtualization environment as an OVA

3.) Upload the OVA to S3

4.) "Import" the S3 image.  You have to use AWS command line tools/client for this step.

      And no, they aren't actually on Amazon, but on your local system

When I did this, I had to pre-include the ssh keys, so I haven't fully mastered the process, but it was good enough for the task at hand.