:: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbit…
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Szerző: Eric Voskuil
Dátum: 2019-05-20 15:59 -000
Címzett: Oleg Gavrilchenko
CC: libbitcoin
Tárgy: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbitcoin for get mempool information?
It’s rational for a miner to not validate other miners’ blocks, relying instead on production cost to limit invalidity. But mining on an not-validated candidate block of your own is not a reasonable proposition. Anyone could make you mine on an invalid block of your own creation at zero cost.

This is why it’s not unreasonable to rely on production cost for other miners’ blocks. Other miners are presumed to not be creating invalid blocks because they would lose the reward of producing them. In that case, to cause you to lose they would have to lose similarly themselves.


> On May 20, 2019, at 08:32, Eric Voskuil <eric@???> wrote:
> Txs have dependency relationships with each other, blocks have a byte limit, blocks have a sigop limit. Even if you assume all txs are valid with the context of a mempool, you cannot assume any subset is valid and you cannot assume that you have a consistent mempool by simply relying on the mempool message.
> e
>> On May 20, 2019, at 08:06, Oleg Gavrilchenko <Gavrilchenko@???> wrote:
>> Why should I select of subset from mempool returned txs? I suppose, that txs are valid. And txs will be invalid relatevly rare.
>> From: Eric Voskuil [mailto:eric@voskuil.org]
>> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 6:05 PM
>> To: Oleg Gavrilchenko
>> Cc: libbitcoin@???
>> Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbitcoin for get mempool information?
>> Once you have the mempool txs how would you select a subset valid for the next block?
>> e
>> On May 20, 2019, at 07:20, Oleg Gavrilchenko <Gavrilchenko@???> wrote:
>> I think, that my device can send mempool request to any full-node in bitcoin P2P network. And the full-node send new valid txs to my device. And then my device does not need to download full blockchain.
>> Or am I wrong?
>> From: Eric Voskuil [mailto:eric@voskuil.org]
>> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 5:05 PM
>> To: Oleg Gavrilchenko
>> Cc: libbitcoin@???
>> Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbitcoin for get mempool information?
>> How would the node answering your request know what txs it could select if it didn’t have the chain?
>> On May 20, 2019, at 05:40, Oleg Gavrilchenko <Gavrilchenko@???> wrote:
>> I think, I need to send mempool request, get all new transactions and include its in new block. Or am I wrong?
>> From: Eric Voskuil [mailto:eric@voskuil.org]
>> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 2:06 PM
>> To: Oleg Gavrilchenko
>> Cc: libbitcoin@???
>> Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbitcoin for get mempool information?
>> How would you know which txs to select?
>> e
>> On May 20, 2019, at 03:47, Oleg Gavrilchenko <Gavrilchenko@???> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Thank you for answer.
>> I would like to clarify some things.
>> 1. I need to have full blockchain or only full headers for new block generation?
>> 2. Why do I need full blocks for new block generate?
>> 3. How can I get block template and generate new block with libbitcoin?
>> From: Eric Voskuil [mailto:eric@voskuil.org]
>> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 8:57 PM
>> To: Олег Гаврильченко
>> Cc: libbitcoin@???
>> Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] FW: How use libbitcoin for get mempool information?
>> No code can generate a valid block without maintaining the chain.
>> e
>> On May 17, 2019, at 02:02, Олег Гаврильченко <Gavrilchenko@???> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I develop FPGA mining device and I don’t want use bitdoind. Bitcoind for work download full blockchain(300GB).
>> I wand write lightweight cliend, without bitcoind, that get information from Bitcoin P2P similar like “getblocktemplate” request and if my device find bloc hash (J) send it to network.
>> Say me please, how I do this with libbitcoin ?
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