:: Re: [DNG] [RFC] User services
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Skribent: s
Dato: 2019-05-11 16:22 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] [RFC] User services
Hello All,

On Sat, 11 May 2019 11:26:12 +0200
Martin Steigerwald <martin@???> wrote:

> Hi.
> Now that the proof of concept is out, I am thinking about extending it a
> little bit.
> - make is a package
> - make "install-or-update.sh" into "/usr/bin/userservices" with the
> following actions:
> - install: Sets up userservices for the user
> - update: Updates it
> - remove: Removes i
> - make "userservice" alias into "/usr/bin/userservice"
> - that way the user would not have to setup an alias anymore.
> So with these changes using user services would be like:
> As root:
> apt install user-services
> As user:
> userservices install
> userservice enable redshift
> [x] done :)
> If user-services packaged gets updated, the user can decide to update
> her installation with:
> userservices update
> Ideally it would take into account when the user changed some services.
> What do you think about that?
> It would be some work, but I for me this sounds like a good idea.
> In anyway: This is still in proof of concept stage, so I may change
> everything :). If you are using this, you are brave alpha tester :)

In the past Debian Wheezy had a tool for that, called 'chkconfig', it was a lot used in the Datacenter..
# Adding a Service 'atsd':
    chkconfig --add atsd;
# Enable the service in several Runlevels:
    chkconfig --level 12345 atss on;
# Start the Service:
    /etc/init.d/atsd start;
# Stop the Service:
    /etc/init.d/atsd stop;
# Disable the service in requested runlevels:
    chkconfig --level 12345 atsd off;
# Remove the Service:
    chkconfig --del atsd;

And other funcionalities, like listing the services and so on..
It was a very helpfull tool.

In the absence of it( I don't know why it was removed .. ), your tool seems to come to replace it, BUT for users only? :)

I think it would be nice to call it like 'uservice', instead of 'u[ser]service[s]', which is a lot bigger name, or a alias called 'uservice', since 'service' is also another tool, to deal with.. services.

This are my thoughts, but I like the idea.. :)

Best Regards,

s@po <tuxd3v@???>