:: Re: [Bricolabs] Next edition of Tro…
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Autor: natacha
Datum: 2019-05-09 09:28 -000
To: Carsten Agger, Bricolabs
Betreff: Re: [Bricolabs] Next edition of Tropixel - open planning
Hey Carsten,

I add more details about NGI 0 funding  in pm not to spam the list that
the NGI0 funding needs to be taken by a european (individual or group)
we cannot do it because it would be a conflict of interest + we do have
the skills, maybe you can do it and delegate someone in Brazil for the work?



On 5/9/19 10:57 AM, natacha wrote:
> Het Carsten,
> Thanks much for answering, indeed I understand super well that things
> are complex, and time is scarce, and I (nor does hk) do not take
> anything personally.
> Its only a bit sad, because we see there are possibility to do stuff,
> and we cannot do it ourselves (baobaxia in not the only project that
> could be supported) so ... what to do, is there anyone around you who
> could take this over?
> do not hesitate to reach back to us any moment when you have
> availabilities, any of you involved.
> natacha
> On 5/9/19 10:41 AM, Carsten Agger wrote:
>> Hi Natacha
>> I'd like to say that I'm sorry that I haven't been able to react to
>> your work, I've been really busy here in Denmark with various things
>> that have demanded and still demand all my  attention.
>> I think getting funding for the continued work with Baobáxia would be
>> really important, what exists now is a working system in dire need of
>> being upgraded, and it needs professional care on a scale that is
>> difficult to achieve without funding - at least for a sprint or so. 
>> So my own silence should definitely not be interpreted as
>> unwelcoming, I've just been having to focus on some other things,
>> unfortunately.
>> I'm afraid this is true of many of us, Vince included.
>> Best
>> Carsten
>> On 5/9/19 8:54 AM, natacha wrote:
>>> Ok,
>>> Yes I think of answering this also because of too much silence
>>> lately, as some of you might have realized, hellekin and I have
>>> organised a new research structure not for profit, petites
>>> singularités based in Brussels.
>>> Since the beginning of this project, our intention has been (and
>>> still is) to connect our friends in Brazilian networks with an
>>> access we want to build towards eu funding grants. I think our first
>>> move was to go meet felipe in Germany to do a video interview,
>>> second was to spend a week in Italy at Vicenzo's to discuss
>>> baobaxia, and third to write an article in Catalyst Journal for
>>> feminist studies about the very unique methodologies of Brazilian
>>> independent networks.
>>> We had the feeling those tentative were not welcome, no feedback
>>> from any of you when we insisted several times that baobaxia should
>>> apply to NGI0 funding (where we are mentors), no answer when we
>>> asked about feedback on the article when it was being written, no
>>> response either; a one liner response to a proposition to come to
>>> tropixel and do something together among other things using the
>>> incommon project (that has financing).
>>> In those conditions, we decided not to make the trip to Brazil this
>>> June, because we felt that without prior organisation, spending some
>>> weeks in Brazil would not be of any use, and we are very sad about
>>> it, because we love you very much and not only we are aware of the
>>> difficult situ demandation you are all going through, but moreover
>>> we really appreciate your unique work and research in Brazil.
>>> So please lets chat a bit more to bring our forces together there
>>> are possibilities we can use, please do not give up.
>>> Heart
>>> Natacha
>>> Natacha
>>> On 5/8/19 11:54 PM, fabi borges wrote:
>>>> I'm going to get into this. 
>>>> My current situation is to be in São Paulo, with no grant for
>>>> post-phd, no work, no money, 
>>>> with the head full of delusional projects: organizing a
>>>> crowndfunding campaign to construct two health posts for the
>>>> indigenous Pataxó with the technoshamanism network, and trying to
>>>> create a third world singular space/art. Wanting to take the actual
>>>> president away, but emerged in the social forces that are contained
>>>> and frightened at the moment, with the exception of the indigenous
>>>> who are doing an incredible effort of resistance. Living in a
>>>> collective house, doing organic gardening and swimming in the
>>>> university swimming pool.
>>>>  I'll find a way to go to Tropixel.
>>>> Em qua, 8 de mai de 2019 às 17:25, Jean-Noël Montagné
>>>> <jnm@??? <mailto:jnm@autistici.org>> escreveu:
>>>>     Salut à toutes et tous,

>>>>     a word on my actual works:

>>>>     less artworks, more political activities, more local
>>>>     activities, I will
>>>>     never travel again with plane, for political=ecological reasons
>>>>     ( since
>>>>     2015, my last trip to Indonesia for Transformaking ( hello
>>>>     Venzha and
>>>>     Argha !)]

>>>>     --------

>>>>     still maintaining the Nicelab.eu hackerspace in Nice, very few
>>>>     people in
>>>>     it, and our community is shorter and shorter. People are not
>>>>     available
>>>>     anymore for bricolage  ( may be because of average 2H30 on social
>>>>     networks per day in France/ 5 hours per day on Internet...)

>>>>     I try to orient the Nicelab topics on the subject of resilience
>>>>     ( food,
>>>>     energy, communication) .... the city of Nice have big big problems

>>>>     -------

>>>>     I give a lot of conferences to denounce the destruction of
>>>>     democracy
>>>>     (and other facts) by social networks  (some slides here
>>>>     https://blog.nicelab.eu/conferences2017_18/ )

>>>>     -------

>>>>     in october 2018, I have been organising a huge event in Nice,
>>>>     https://at06.eu =  136 conferences about ecological transition, in
>>>>     cooperation with Nice university, with 200 attendes ( 70
>>>>     researchers).
>>>>     It was a huge succes, and we have published a 400 pages book,
>>>>     and yes,
>>>>     Jaromil,   ;-)  all this was done without a subside, it was a
>>>>     completly
>>>>     zero-budget event, no social network was used, and all videos
>>>>     of the
>>>>     event are on Peertube.... https://peertube.scic-tetris.org/
>>>>     (server down
>>>>     this evening)

>>>>     the university has just provided the conference rooms.  Some
>>>>     words in
>>>>     English here about our event translated by Patrice Riemens :
>>>>     https://at06.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/TransitionConventionNice2018.pdf

>>>>     ----------

>>>>     I try now to mount a municipalist movement in Nice, with the
>>>>     help of
>>>>     alternatiba network, a lot of other non-profit orgs, the green
>>>>     party,
>>>>     but the resistance of conservatism is enormous..... The
>>>>     situation in
>>>>     Nice is politically worse every day.....

>>>>     ----------

>>>>     and I grow my garden, and 2 children (6 and 14) .

>>>>     Welcome aboard !

>>>>     JN

>>>>     Le 08/05/2019 à 21:03, Patrice Riemens a écrit :
>>>>     > Aloha,
>>>>     >
>>>>     > Ha great Rob, I think 'everybody' should do the same: where r
>>>>     u now,
>>>>     > what have you been doing ...

>>>>     >
>>>>     > me: I moved to Italy, in a village (Fiesole) above the big city
>>>>     > (Firenze) where life is calmer and socializing (& socialism)
>>>>     is still
>>>>     > very much part of the local culture. I tend to be very happy
>>>>     most of
>>>>     > the time. Forthe rest I am an 'Idler' (cf mag.) & a
>>>>     'Sl@acker'. But
>>>>     > presently I am cat-sitting in ... Oslo.

>>>>     >
>>>>     > On the subject of abundance vs scaricity I am one with Felipe.
>>>>     > Scarcity is an ideological construct that capitalist system
>>>>     conform
>>>>     > economists have imposed on us to make us fearful, angry, and
>>>>     selfish.
>>>>     > It completely distorts reality which is made up of abundance
>>>>     - if you
>>>>     > know where to look for it. Materially speaking resources are
>>>>     indeed
>>>>     > limited, but as Mahatma Gandhi said, there is enough for
>>>>     everybody@s
>>>>     > needs, but not for everybody@s greed. Immaterially speaking, the
>>>>     > resources are simply endless, think of ideas. True, "Erst
>>>>     kommt das
>>>>     > Fressen, dann kommt die Moral." (-Brecht, 'first eat then
>>>>     think), but
>>>>     > then there too there is enough - but like the future of William
>>>>     > Gibson, it's not evenly distributed.

>>>>     >
>>>>     > Ahwell, being rambling again ...
>>>>     > Ciao, p+2D!

>>>>     >

>>>>     >

>>>>     >
>>>>     > On 2019-05-08 20:25, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
>>>>     >> that too, yes let’s reconnect, I will start by writing a
>>>>     short text on
>>>>     >> what I have been doing and why and where I am now, will take
>>>>     a few
>>>>     >> days, rob

>>>>     >>
>>>>     >>> Op 8 mei 2019, om 20:08 heeft Paula Vélez
>>>>     <pvelezbr@??? <mailto:pvelezbr@gmail.com>> het
>>>>     >>> volgende geschreven:

>>>>     >>>
>>>>     >>> it confirms that how lost I am-we are, somepart it the
>>>>     stratosphere of
>>>>     >>> space and time.

>>>>     >>>
>>>>     >>> El 8/5/19 a las 19:46, Rob van Kranenburg escribió:
>>>>     >>>> I love brico pace.
>>>>     >>>> Without a doubt we can say we are not surfing realtime
>>>>     waves :)

>>>>     >>>>
>>>>     >>>>> Op 8 mei 2019, om 19:38 heeft Felipe Fonseca
>>>>     >>>>> <felipefonseca@???
>>>>     <mailto:felipefonseca@riseup.net>> het volgende geschreven:

>>>>     >>>>>
>>>>     >>>>> No Paula, the idea on this thread was indeed next month.
>>>>     Ricardo has
>>>>     >>>>> just replied a message I sent last november...

>>>>     >>>>>
>>>>     >>>>> On 08/05/2019 07:25, Paula Vélez wrote:
>>>>     >>>>>> @ricardo next year! still time to fasten your seatbelt.

>>>>     >>>>>>
>>>>     >>>>>> Felipe, Fabi, brazilians collegues,
>>>>     >>>>>> from the colombian exils I send you hugs and let's work
>>>>     together for
>>>>     >>>>>> the Amazonian region and to take down Mr B from the
>>>>     landscape.

>>>>     >>>>>>
>>>>     >>>>>> the subject for the next Tropixel sound prety well. I'll be
>>>>     >>>>>> willing to
>>>>     >>>>>> see where my projects are for 2020 to join you. I'll let
>>>>     you know
>>>>     >>>>>> because it motivates me to come.

>>>>     >>>>>>
>>>>     >>>>>> Paula

>>>>     >>>>>>

>>>>     >>>>>>
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>>>>     >>>

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>>> --
>>> You will not find me on corporate centralized social media,
>>> try Mastodon natacha@???
>>>     *********************
>>>         ***************
>>>     Petites Singularités
>>> https://ps.lesoiseaux.io
>>> https://ps.zoethical.com

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> --
> You will not find me on corporate centralized social media,
> try Mastodon natacha@???
>     *********************
>         ***************
>     Petites Singularités
> https://ps.lesoiseaux.io
> https://ps.zoethical.com

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> Brico mailing list
> Website on http://www.bricolabs.net
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You will not find me on corporate centralized social media,
try Mastodon natacha@???

    Petites Singularités