My sentiments align with yours.
There's no reason why this organism should ever leave the earth where it
developed and spread across the galaxy either.
There's also no reason why we should not.
Expanding my knowledge of the Universe and my ability to shape it should be
my only motivation as a self-aware being.
What other point could there be to existing? None that benefits me.
If we can augment ourselves, or guide our own evolution, then we should.
As you pointed out, this^ is already happening, by accident more than by
I've always had a fascination with concepts such as self-augmentation and
diy bio-hacking. When I stumbled on this weird idea called bitcoin in 2011
it turned me onto the concept of digital self-sovereignty, and
self-sovereignty in general.
These (self-empowering/self-leveraging) are the kinds of technologies and
ideas that I want to focus my energy on.
I don't think these technologies are for everyone and they never will be.
Those of us with the intelligence, and will to use them have a personality
predisposition that is rare in the population. I've mulled my entire life
over the nature vs. nurture source of this predisposition, but that's not
really a relevant question anyway.
The point that I'm reaching for is that there will be minority of humans
who guide this process deliberately, and there will be a majority for whom
it simply happens to them, by accident or by intent of others among the
aforementioned minority.
The final point is that if you do not choose to be, and work very hard to
be, in that minority, the choice is made for you.
I've trashed the notion that you can save 'humanity'. Most of them are too
dim in mind to be saved(self-enabled), and thus are not worth saving anyway.
I'm talking about an evolutionary fork. I think it's been happening for a
while anyway. *'Narcissistic sociopath' *is such a dirty word for the
beautifully self-aware evolutionary outliers in the herd.
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 1:22 PM מטטרון מיטטרון <metatrongone@???>
> ITT, people are forgetting the earth wasn’t designed to house augmented
> humans.
> The side effects of technology use (ICTs) is largely unknown. We may be
> directly destroying our planet to utilize technology or we may not be
> harming anything at all.
> With that said, when we are no longer fully human, what does that mean for
> the planet and the pollutants we already release.
> Logically, more machines means more emissions. Whether they be fossil
> fuels or some other pollutant I don’t give a shit about.
> My opinion, as long as I have cybernetic capabilities and the option to
> live a more “robust” existence, I don’t give two shits about the earth or
> the pollutants.
> The nerds like Turing and Von Neumann should have had the foresight to
> account for a world with more digital intelligence than biological and the
> chemical byproducts of making/using computers.
> With that said, we can thank third world countries for making the oceans
> brown and thank large US cities for having miles of trash in the oceans as
> well. Ever flew over the Atlantic from Miami? Trash for tens of miles in
> the water.
> A little food for thought if you live in the US, over 95% of the
> population has PFAS (perflouroalkyl substances) melded into their body.
> Whatever makes the eggs not stick to the pan, amirite?
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 7:45 AM Spencer Rhodes <spencer.d.rhodes@???>
> wrote:
>> I haven't interacted with any of them, and they've only been on my radar
>> for about a month now.
>> Just another doomsday cult.
>> Doomsday cults are far from new, but this pseudo-science climate change
>> version has been gaining traction.
>> As the Western population became more educated and scientifically
>> inclined, (industrialization, public education, mass-production of books)
>> the old doomsday cult of Abrahamic Religion started losing it's hold.
>> So, you have to tell people the world is going to end in
>> pseudo-scientific terms instead of mythological terms now.
>> Then you have a generation of young people that are so fucking dumb or so
>> self-focused that you can't even hold their attention long enough to
>> explain these psudo-scientific terms to them. So, you dumb it down even
>> more and re-brand it as something edgy and cool.
>> From their website:
>> [image: The Truth Extinction Rebellion Extinction Rebellion.png]
>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 3:42 AM Alexander Ross <
>> maillist_unsystem@???> wrote:
>>> Wondering what people on this group think of them. seams like a more
>>> productive protest effort. only managed to walk around waterloo bridge
>>> in the evening on sat 22rd, that night it was cleared. So not seen much
>>> in person. Nor was there much going on by that time.
>>> Experiences?
>>> Opinions?
>>> Feedback?
>>> What your currently or intending or wishing to do instead to see
>>> progress in world?
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