I haven't interacted with any of them, and they've only been on my radar
for about a month now.
Just another doomsday cult.
Doomsday cults are far from new, but this pseudo-science climate change
version has been gaining traction.
As the Western population became more educated and scientifically inclined,
(industrialization, public education, mass-production of books) the old
doomsday cult of Abrahamic Religion started losing it's hold.
So, you have to tell people the world is going to end in pseudo-scientific
terms instead of mythological terms now.
Then you have a generation of young people that are so fucking dumb or so
self-focused that you can't even hold their attention long enough to
explain these psudo-scientific terms to them. So, you dumb it down even
more and re-brand it as something edgy and cool.
>From their website:
[image: The Truth Extinction Rebellion Extinction Rebellion.png]
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 3:42 AM Alexander Ross <maillist_unsystem@???>
> Wondering what people on this group think of them. seams like a more
> productive protest effort. only managed to walk around waterloo bridge
> in the evening on sat 22rd, that night it was cleared. So not seen much
> in person. Nor was there much going on by that time.
> Experiences?
> Opinions?
> Feedback?
> What your currently or intending or wishing to do instead to see
> progress in world?
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