:: Re: [DNG] Of confidence and support…
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Auteur: Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Datum: 2019-04-23 18:42 -000
Aan: devuan developers internal list, dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Of confidence and support and the future of Devuan.
Devuan User: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=devuan
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Ronnquist via Dng" <dng@???>
To: "devuan developers internal list" <devuan-dev@???>; "dng"
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [DNG] Of confidence and support and the future of Devuan.

> Dan, I think you have been invaluable to the Devuan efforts, and I hope
> you will keep contributing, as well as remain caretaker.
> Ralph.
> Daniel Reurich wrote on 23/4/19 11:30 am:
>> Dear friends, fellow users and contributors to Devuan.
>> I have come to a point of personal crisis with regards to my involvement
>> in Devuan. I have given a great deal of time to bringing Devuan to
>> where it is today. Of late have my efforts have been largely in the
>> background in maintaining the build system as well as advocacy, and
>> helping to maintain some packages, and working towards adding support
>> for the ppc64el architecture particularly for the new TalosII hardware.
>> Recent events such as the fallout from the April 1 joke, which I
>> perceived it as a threat to Devuans image particularly with respect to
>> the appearance of security, and my poorly expression of those concerns
>> led me to be at odds with some of my fellow contributors and caretakers.
>> In particular I contributed to making another valued member, and a
>> fellow valuable contributor to Devuan, feel that he could no longer find
>> joy in contributing to Devuan any further resulting in his leaving our
>> community. I have apologised for this and continue to regret not having
>> found a better mechanism for expressing my concerns in a more
>> constructive way.
>> The latest issue at hand and the one precipitating this personal crisis
>> is with respect to the failure of ci.devuan.org. In this matter I took
>> actions that although were done in good faith and with all due care,
>> resulted in exacerbating an already broken server by trying to reboot it
>> an action which failed and left the server broken and inaccessible. I
>> rebooted under the assumption that the person that hosts that server for
>> us would reasonably be available to attend to it if it in the unlikely
>> event it failed to boot. I was wrong and should have checked he was
>> available first.
>> I am now at the point where given this latest assault on my character
>> and contributions by Jaromil, that I must honestly question whether I
>> continue to be useful to this community and Devuan as a distribution.
>> It is now up to you to decide whether or not I should be holding such a
>> venerable positions as caretaker, infrastructure maintainer and
>> developer, and package maintainer of many Devuan packages remains
>> justifiable and acceptable to this community.
>> My reason for bringing this to the attention of the broad community is
>> because Jaromil, one of my fellow caretakers has repeatedly taken
>> extreme exception to my actions and communications to the extent where
>> he has:
>> - called for my stepping down as caretaker at least 3 times.
>> - implied that I am incompetent in my administration of the devuan
>> infrastructure I have been co-maintaining for the last 3 or 4 years, in
>> particular the build system and until recently the packaging systems.
>> - claimed that I act with impunity and entirely disregard the need for
>> consultation on major decisions.
>> - threatened me in private emails to wage war against me and destroy my
>> reputation in this community and by implication the broader ICT, linux
>> and open source communities within which I operate and make my living.
>> and many other things.
>> Therefore, I feel that unless the broad community of users and
>> developers of Devuan continue to have and express confidence in my
>> abilities to continue to be a caretaker and valued contributor to
>> Devuan, that I must indeed step down as caretaker and cease contributing
>> to this project as per Jaromils repeatedly expressed desires.
>> I am extremely sad at having reached this point and recognize that this
>> communication will itself further erode confidence in Devuan as a
>> distribution. I do not want this, but I can no longer continue in the
>> face of such extreme opposition to my efforts to contribute to what I
>> believe is a fine and necessary project that I have come to rely on for
>> my business and am deeply invested in.
>> Devuan belongs to the community and that community must always hold the
>> power to decide who it will entrust as it's leaders and contributors.
>> Should you the community decide it is time for me to leave, I will do my
>> best to take the time to hand over properly my responsibilities and
>> share my deep knowledge to those chosen by you the community to replace
>> me in an orderly fashion and then fade quietly away.
>> Warm regards,
>> Centurion_Dan.
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