:: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Ascii on EC…
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Autor: Alexey Zilber
Datum: 2019-04-17 14:13 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
Betreff: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Ascii on EC2
Thanks for the info about the Devuan ami in Sydney. Not sure if cloud-init
would be the issue because it's an import problem, not a spinning up
problem. I've seen people build AMI's without cloud-init and things have
worked. Regardless, I used a variant of the
https://github.com/cloux/aws-devuan repo cloud.cfg, they have a very
"non-standard" build of Devuan on us-east-1 using runit, so I wanted to
build something as close as possible to the base Devuan Ascii distro.
Looking at "Devuan 2.0 ASCII (rrq)", I can see it differs somewhat from the
base distro as well. Namely the kernel is upgraded, seemingly via
backports, but not ascii-backports:

*Linux ip-172-31-11-154 4.18.0-0.bpo.1-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
4.18.6-1~bpo9+1 (2018-09-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux*

I don't know where this kernel image came from. Kernel 4.18 isn't in any
Devuan or Debian backports.

So I installed the signed kernel from ascii-backports and have the same

"StatusMessage": "ClientError: Unsupported kernel version

So I'm stumped. I grabbed the kernel .config from the ec2 instance and am
trying to build my own kernel. But I don't have much faith left in it


On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 2:00 AM Ralph Ronnquist <ralph.ronnquist@???>

> Yes, I have on public in Ireland, same in Sydney. Possibly the key was the
> fixed-up cloud-init package that CenturionDan made. As I'm travelling until
> next week I can't look up details. But you could try it out, named "Devuan
> 2.0 ASCII (rrq)".
> Ralph.
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