:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Free Ola Bini
Poista viesti
Lähettäjä: Amir Taaki
Päiväys: 2019-04-17 10:58 -000
Vastaanottaja: unsystem
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Free Ola Bini
OK so everyone is going to prison for ridiculous things.

Surely you understand what an authoritarian world we're heading into.

So why all the hackers don't come to Rojava to do their sensitive work?

We're all like children. Disorganized and oblivious to the coming danger.

On 4/13/19 7:54 PM, Jaromil wrote:
> dear reality hackers,
> As some of you may know already, Ola Bini is detained in
> Ecuador since more than 24h now, he was caught in the airport before
> boarding a trip to Japan that he had planned since long time already
> to follow up on his studies.
> I am very much concerned by the current circumstances and would like
> to call all of you to take action as we need to build pressure against
> the Ecuadorian government.
> Ola is an outstanding contributor to innovative free and open source
> software solutions for privacy, among them also the v4 of OTR. There
> are two facts that I believe are important to be taken into account
> about the current circumstances:
> 1. Ola's detention is based on a rather ridicolous "evidence of a
> crime" that should concern many security researchers and privacy
> activists: the Ecuadorian police statement reads that he "travels
> too much to neighboring countries and reads technical books". While
> theis seized all his work tools, this accusation partially rests on
> his possession of books like "Cyber War" by Richard A. Clarke
> https://twitter.com/avilarenata/status/1116916943099969536
> 2. Ola Bini is a cybersecurity professional on the advisory board of
> the flaghship European project DECODE (grant nr 732546) on advanced
> cryptographic and privacy by design research for data ownership and
> technological sovereignty (see https://decodeproject.eu). The
> illegal detainment of Ola Bini is damaging research lead at the
> European Commission. As technical coordinator of the project I am
> deeply concerned by his incarceration and tampering with his
> professional possessions, which may also contain confidential
> materials belonging to our project. His detainment is not only
> unjustified, but is producing serious damage to European scientific
> research. This statement is also backed by DECODE general
> coordinator Francesca Bria.
> Here you find the statement released by Ola's attorneys in Ecuador
> https://goatsing.wordpress.com/2019/04/13/press-release-on-the-detention-of-ola-bini-2/
> Here some sources of information to monitor
> - https://twitter.com/freeolabini
> - https://twitter.com/avilarenata
> To get in touch with the #freeolabini legal support coordinators
> please email: olabinilegal at riseup dot net
> The blog of Ola's Ecuadorian organization "CAD"
> https://autonomia.digital/blog/
> Free Ola Bini!
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