:: Re: [DNG] What you saw on devuan.or…
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Autore: chillfan
Data: 2019-04-05 08:06 -000
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Nuovi argomenti: [DNG] frustration with browsers.
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] What you saw on devuan.org yesterday was an April's fools joke
Katolaz is working very hard to ensure we have releases, but I didn't realise he was doing all this even. There shouldn't be any sore feelings over this or anything personal.

He really had me there for a moment but gopher and browser complaints were good clues something isn't quite right ;)

There are many of us frustrated with web browsers and the web in general, and a couple of people are nostalgic over gopher. It's funnier for me because I know this.

This seems like a bad reaction to an april fools joke to me, and personally I feel that the systemd camp wants to score some cheap points.

Afaik we are all volunteers, which is different than having people who are contracted to maintain and develop Devuan. I think some dedicated maintainers should be put our way before anyone gets uptight about an april fools joke.



‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 3:30 PM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:

> dear readers,

> as a Devuan caretaker and co-founder, in my own personal capacity, let
> me state that:

> 1.  There was no break-in on any part of Devuan's infrastructure on 1st
>     April. This was the most skillfull prank I've witnessed in my life.


> 2.  Devuan comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Bluntly put, if you want to hold
>     someone liable, you need a contract. There are many professionals
>     here and in the world who can offer you support. Blaming any Devuan
>     developer for problems caused by his/her actions, be it a joke or a
>     mistake, is nonsense. Do read the license, if you need to hold
>     anyone liable for your own needs then make sure you have a contract
>     with somoene. It is entirely up to you to trust us or not


> 3.  At Dyne.org - a public ICT research institution working with the
>     European Commission and some major municipalities - we use Devuan
>     in production. Clearly we need the reliability: so we work for
>     it. We are not only developing Devuan, but also we have an in-house
>     continuous-integration infrastructure to build packages and new
>     images for Devuan's many targets. I encourage everyone reading to
>     consider contributing to Devuan and at the same time plan your own
>     way of making a community project reliable for your own
>     professional use.


> 4.  Katolaz is not just one of the caretakers of Devuan, but is by far
>     the developer making the most significant contributions to this
>     project. If it wasn't for him, we would be stuck at Jessie,
>     IMHO. For our community project, he has done:
>     -   about 75 Devuan packages
>     -   all the Devuan installers since Jessie RC
>     -   all the minimal-live images since Jessie Beta2
>     -   development on the Devuan SDK
>     -   work on the sysvinit package in Debian
>     -   maintainance of all our critical infrastructure, including
>         all the building hosts, jenkins, dak, amprolla, pkgmaster,
>         mirrors, BTS, file server, all the ganeti nodes, DNS, web,
>         and what not.


>         I wish there would be no need for a personalising argument in this
>         email, however given the attack Katolaz received I think of it as
>         necessary. I've been through something like this myself on this
>         very list, leading also to vandalization of wikipedia pages about
>         my work. Is not funny at all and some solidarity helps a lot.


>         This mail is signed with the same 8192B RSA GPG key who signs all
>         packages distributed by Devuan. I'm not sure if we can go deeper in
>         trust... my former key signs this one too and was in turn signed by
>         GPG's author. Perhaps now I'll ask Werner to reach us in Amsterdam and
>         cuddle on the couch a bit ;^)


>         ciao


>         --
>         Denis "Jaromil" Roio https://Dyne.org think &do tank
>         Ph.D, CTO & co-founder software to empower communities
>         ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>         ✩ Profile and publications: https://jaromil.dyne.org
>         𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
>         ⚷ 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10



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