Auteur: Martin Steigerwald Datum: 2019-04-02 11:38 -000 Aan: dng Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Update on the Green Hat Hackers attack
Adrian Zaugg - 01.04.19, 22:10: > I'd definitively preferred:
> Devuan embraces Systemd!
> After thorough discussions in our technical committee Devuan decided
> to ship systemd with its next release "Beowulf" as the standard init.
> Systemd is a complete pot of terware that will enhance Devuan to an
> industry approved, enterprise grade blackbox system, that demands
> highest trust in its developers. Ubiquitous access for any user, no
> more security concerns combined with highest computing power needs
> for any system will be the remarkable achievement of this wise
> decision. Init freedom salutes you, veterans.