:: Re: [Libbitcoin] address collision?
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Lähettäjä: Eric Voskuil
Päiväys: 2019-03-28 23:20 -000
Vastaanottaja: Neill Miller
Kopio: libbitcoin
Aihe: Re: [Libbitcoin] address collision?
Libbitcoin seeding wouldn’t contribute to an increased likelihood of finding a hash collision. For example, a poor seeding algorithm, such as one that less-than-randomly duplicates values, would only make finding a collision *less* likely. The best approach for collision finding may be to just increment from zero (ie avoiding duplicates).

Unfortunately it’s impossible to verify this claim, so I’d take it with a bit of salt. On the other hand hash collisions do happen. It’s just a matter of probability.


> On Mar 29, 2019, at 05:43, Neill Miller <neillm@???> wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> Interesting find!
> It's true that the "bx seed" command provides psuedo-random numbers
> provided by the OS. The intent of all libbitcoin commands is to never
> generate randomness internally where necessary (and to rather accept
> randomness as an input where needed), but "bx seed" is an exception,
> mostly for example purposes. To be clear, we don't recommend using it
> for strong cryptographic purposes (of which generating Bitcoin private
> keys is one such example).
> It is quite possible that's a reason for the collision, or at least
> that's my best guess at the moment.
> That said, I have run similar sorts of programs (more optimized than
> what's shown) for extended periods of time in the past out of
> curiosity and also to 'convince' myself of the same thing you were
> thinking about, and never produced a result like yours. I know we're
> not the only ones who have tried this as well :-)
> -Neill.
>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 05:32:27PM -0400, Mike Miller wrote:
>> Approximately 18 months ago I became fascinated with the magic of extremely
>> large numbers and that this is basically what's protecting my bitcoin.
>> e.g. https://learnbtc.tech/PowerOfLargeNumber.jpg
>> In an effort to somewhat "prove" this to myself, I whipped up a script to
>> run an endless loop generating random public/private keypairs (using the
>> libbitcoin library) and checking the received "balance" at each address,
>> and to email me if anything was found. Naturally this script never seemed
>> to "find" any bitcoin. This was comforting to me, as it meant that my
>> bitcoin was relatively safe from others doing the same thing.
>> The meat of the loop is:
>> $bx = '/usr/local/bin/bx'
>> $private_key = `$bx seed | $bx ec-new|$bx ec-to-wif`
>> $public_key = `$bx wif-to-public $private_key`
>> $address = `$bx ec-to-address $public_key`
>> $balance = `$bx fetch-balance $address`
>> I completely forgot about this script, but it's been running all this time
>> (~18 months), just running in an infinite loop on my desktop linux box.
>> This morning I woke up to a surprise email that something had been found.
>> balance
>> {
>>    address 1CeuzQcb5pmM1PmyoDgV5rfPsJDkAY8ScR
>>    received 1965000
>>    spent 0
>> }

>> I used electrum to "import" the associated private key to verify this
>> amount was accessible. But I didn't move it -- of course I don't want to
>> steal the poor guy's BTC.
>> I'm a little bit blown away here. I thought the known universe would hit
>> end of life before finding anything. If I can get this lucky finding a
>> needle in a haystack with few lines of Perl code, I don't feel quite as
>> safe about my bitcoin.
>> Or might this mean that, despite the fact that it took 18 months to produce
>> a collision, there might be something nonrandom about the seeding mechanism?
>> It says mine is Version: 4.0.0, which was the latest version at that time.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Mike
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