Autor: aitor_czr Data: Dla: dng Temat: Re: [DNG] /var/lib/dbus/machine-id -- new dbus version
On 11/3/19 10:32, al3xu5 / dotcommon wrote: > Hi
> I am using ASCII, migrated from Jessie, migrated from Debian (maybe but
> I do not remember)...
> Unitil I will migrate to Beowulf, I guess adopt this proposed solution:
> 1) symlink /etc/machine-id to /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
> 2) run boot: echo date +%s%N | md5sum | cut -c 1-32 > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
> So please help me: what is the right way to run the previous command at
> each boot?
The short answer, locate it in /etc/init.d and give permissions to it:
# chmod +x <script>
and then run:
# update-rc.d <script> defaults
The script should contain a header, something like this:
# Provides: name_of_the_script
# Required-Start: $syslog
# Required-Stop: $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: blah blah blah
# Description: blah blah blah
> Another point... I have:
> $ hostid
> 007f0101
> What the best to do about this? Keep this value? Change it to what else? ...
> Thank you
> Regards