Autor: Didier Kryn Data: 2019-03-10 13:47 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] sans dbus/udev (was Re: new freedesktop "standard":
Le 10/03/2019 à 11:22, karl@??? a écrit : > Since nowadays the kernel can provide devtmpfs, what is the role of
> udev et al apart from handling usb devices ?
1) Change owner, group and permissions because the kernel defaults
everything to root.root and (I guess) 0600
2) Create and populate /dev/disk/by-*, which is sometimes usefull
on a desktop or laptop.
3) Rename network devices (for people who want that)
The first 2 items might be done by monitoring /dev with inotify.
This must be checked though because, in principle, inotify only reports
interactions with the VFS issued from userspace, which is why it doesn't
work on /sys and /proc. Inotify works fine when /dev and
/dev/disk/by-label are popluated by udev, but I didn't check with
devtmpfs. We would then resort to reading the netlink.