:: Re: [DNG] simple-netaid-backend deb…
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Συντάκτης: Alessandro Selli
Ημερομηνία: 2019-03-07 19:49 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] simple-netaid-backend debugged.
On 07/03/19 at 08:38, Edward Bartolo via Dng wrote:
> It uses instead ifconfig, iwconfig, wpa_supplicant and
> dhclient.

  Next improvement would be using current commands (ip and iw) in place
of the obsolete and deprecated ones, i.e. ifconfig and iwconfig:



iwconfig was developed by Jean Tourrilhes at HP, and it uses Linux
Wireless Extensions from the same author, which have been log deprecated:


Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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