On 15/02/19 at 21:39, Ozi Traveller via Dng wrote:
> Hi
> I have installed xdm, and it starts when I boot up, but doesn't start
> xorg when I login.
Please check that Xorg is installed. You should have the executable
/usr/bin/Xorg in place installed by package xserver-xorg-core. Then you
need a desktop environment/Window Manger that xdm can hande. wdm, which
is similar to xdm, has these defined in /etc/X11/wdm/wdm.wmlist:
> Has anyone got this working? I would be interested to know how if
> anyone has.
> ozi
> VirtualBox_test-64_15_02_2019_07_11_44.png
Please don't include a picture when a copy-and-paste would suffice.
Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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