:: Re: [DNG] ¿A bug in eudev CD/DVD ru…
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Συντάκτης: aitor_czr
Ημερομηνία: 2019-02-03 17:35 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] ¿A bug in eudev CD/DVD rules?

On 1/2/19 20:48, Gonzalo Pérez de Olaguer Córdoba wrote:

> Hi KatolaZ.
> El Fri, 1 Feb 2019 20:31:12 +0100
> KatolaZ<katolaz@???> escribió:
>> which version of eudev are we talking about, please?
> eudev 3.2.2-13 i386
> This was a transition from debian/wheezy -> devuan/jessie -> devuan/ascii
> made last june.

Yesterday night and today morning i had also an issue related with eudev
at boot time. It happened with two *different* hard disks -in the same
computer- including devuan ascii amd64: apparently udevd was searching
for a /dev/sdb partition. After several reboots, plugging and unplugging
the mouse, it worked. Now, i can't reproduce the circumstances.

