著者: golinux 日付: 2019-01-30 17:04 -000 To: Dng 題目: Re: [DNG] OT: Changing xfce4-terminal window frame color
On 2019-01-30 04:44, hal wrote: > On 1/27/19 5:20 PM, golinux@??? wrote:
> <snip>
>> The window borders are handled by the window theme so try a different
>> one or modify the one you're using. Could also be that the theme
>> you're using is not compatible with GTK-3 or that you don't have all
>> the needed libraries installed. Have fun trying to sort it.
> Thanks. Any way to tell which one is in being used? It seems Openbox
> has a theme applied for the window frames/title bar and LXDE is using
> something else for the menu bar areas, etc. xfce4-terminal seems to be
> ignoring both of these and doing something else. There's also
> color/theme config files in ~/.gtk* and /etc/gtk. It's utter madness.
> I appreciate the work that was put into the Devuan theme. Not sure how
> you guys/gals manage to stay sane.
Yeah, it's a rat's nest for sure but I've managed to fake it so far. Now
deep into theming beowulf which requires way too many late, late nights
. . .