:: Re: [DNG] OT: Changing xfce4-termin…
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Autor: hal
Fecha: 2019-01-30 12:53 -000
A: KatolaZ, dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] OT: Changing xfce4-terminal window frame color

On 1/30/19 4:53 AM, KatolaZ wrote:
> I personally decided years ago to stay sane by avoiding any theming
> (but I admit it's way easier for me, since I mainly see little more
> than tabbed+xterms in my workspaces...).

Seems like every DE out there defaults to a
(eye-searing-text-editor-going-full-screen-at-4am) monochromatic color
scheme. How does one go about changing the colors without theming?

GTK+ config files seem to be pigeon-holed in so many places it's
impossible to figure out: env variables GTK2_RC_FILES, /etc/gtk/,
~/.gtkrc, ~/.gtkrc-2.0, ~/.gtkrc-3.0, ~/.themes/,
/usr/share/themes/...on-and-on... ugh

It seems many themes have a gtk-3 directory in them, but do not actually
change the Xfce4-terminal window color. Not sure what's up with that but
finally found one[1] which seems to work. If anyone else shares my
frustration, hope this helps.

Thanks for all the OT input.

[1] https://github.com/paullinuxthemer/Dark-Side