:: Re: [DNG] ..alsa+apulse and torbrow…
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Skribent: Antoine
Dato: 2019-01-23 18:49 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] ..alsa+apulse and torbrowser... rpath is /usr/lib/apulse and is too long???
On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 11:07:19PM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> On 22/01/19 at 08:38, golinux@??? wrote:
>   I did manually set XFCE's firefox launch buttons to run "apulse
> firefox" instead of firefox directly, I could also patch
> /usr/share/applications/firefox-esr.desktop to do the same, but I'd like
> to devise a way just installing apulse would set everything up for users
> automatically in the post-install script.  This way people (especially
> not technically minded ones) would have less fiddling to do to customize
> their systems.  And I'd bet even non techies would appreciate sparing
> themselves some time just to let their system behave in a sane way.
>   But let's start with a simple howto first.
>   Where shall we coordinate our effort, push our contributions to?
> --
> Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
> VOIP SIP: dhatarattha@???
> Chiave firma e cifratura PGP/GPG signing and encoding key:
> BA651E4050DDFC31E17384BABCE7BD1A1B0DF2AE

I've been using Devuan (and Debian before that) strictly headless for
several years now, so what I'm about to write may be silly. Feel free to
let me know if it is.

How hard would it be to softlink /usr/bin/firefox though /etc/alternatives/
to a shellscript which does something like "exec apulse firefox-bin"?


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