:: Re: [DNG] excessive bounces
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Auteur: Rowland Penny
Datum: 2019-01-04 21:26 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] excessive bounces
On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 12:53:48 -0800
Rick Moen <rick@???> wrote:

> Quoting Rowland Penny via Dng (dng@???):
> > Rick, please stop name dropping and please stop, just stop.
> Seriously? I merely asked you, while thanking you for your work on
> Samba, to please say hullo to three of my friends and sometime
> co-workers, as they are on the Samba Team with you. They are in fact
> exactly that, I like them quite a lot, and I haven't seen them in far
> too long -- in some cases, since the dot-com collapse.

Two of the names you mentioned aren't involved much in Samba any more
and the other lives nearer to you than me. I only mentioned I was a
member of the Samba team to try and show I know that the problem is
unlikely to be at my end.

> For the rest, I have been trying to assist you -- using my longtime
> knowledge of how to investigate Mailman/MTA problems involving my own
> server and that of a number of groups where I'm a longtime listadmin.
> As such, I've told you who can gather the required data. If you don't
> believe me and would rather just pound the table about how you believe
> the problem isn't at Samba's e-mail server (which is entirely
> possible, and examining the logs would confirm of deny), then best of
> luck to you, but I'll definitely not repeat the mistake of trying to
> help you again.

Thanks, because you were not helping, I need to know when the mails
bounced and why and you cannot help with this. Once I get this info, I
can ssh in and read the relevant logs
