:: Re: [DNG] Added desktop-live to the…
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Skribent: golinux
Dato: 2019-01-02 17:22 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Added desktop-live to the install guides
On 2019-01-02 05:50, Andres Suarez wrote:
> В Ср, 02/01/2019 в 00:48 -0600, golinux@??? пишет:
>> On 2019-01-01 23:46, Edward Bartolo via Dng wrote:
>> > On 02/01/2019, golinux@??? <golinux@???> wrote:
>> > > On 2019-01-01 21:37, Steve Litt wrote:
>> > > >     The degree of attentiveness we now
>> > > >     demand in our workplaces has been a positive trait for only a
>> > > >     couple centuries, and genetics hasn't caught up. So blame is
>> > > >     counterproductive.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> > > I beg to differ. It's not in the genetics.  It's in how we choose to
>> > > live. The level of consciousness in parts of the world hundreds of 
>> > > years
>> > > BC surpasses what we are capable of today. Our individual
>> > > traits/skills/talents are the resultants of the quality of our past
>> > > actions over millennia. IOW we start a life with what what is
>> > > commensurate to whom we have been. So choose wisely.
>> > >
>> > > golinux
>> > >
>> >
>> > What 'consciousness' you are talking about?!
>> >
>> I am talking about the consciousness/awareness that receives data in
>> the 
>> form of eye:sights, ear:sounds, nose:smells, tongue:tastes, 
>> body:physical sensations and mind:thoughts. It is the mere reception
>> of 
>> these stimuli that turns our inner world and outer world so it's to
>> our 
>> advantage to get to know the interaction between stimulation and 
>> response intimately.
>> Without great awareness in the present moment, we are carried along
>> by 
>> emotional reactions to events instead of actually knowing and 
>> understanding them. More often than not, that impulsive reactiveness 
>> brings us much misery and pain. But if that same consciousness is 
>> harnessed to focus on this never-ending stream of events moment to 
>> moment, it begins to understand them in a very different way and
>> changes 
>> the mind at a fundamental level.
>> The ability to touch that understanding has declined over the last
>> 2500+ 
>> years and there will come a time when that knowledge will be
>> forgotten.  
>> But it will be rediscovered sometime in the very distant future
>> because 
>> it it cyclical as all things are.
>> golinux
> Beg pardon for the interruption: but actually that ability has
> increased in 
> the last millennia. What hominids had 2500+ years ago was a primitive
> sense
> of reality, which gave rise to all that mysticism which prevails so
> far.
> Consciousness, defined as advanced awareness, was the last part to
> develop.
> That function allows you to build "Devuan Linux" instead of mixing
> with 
> the sheep.

You are confusing "thinking" which observes and manipulates external
data with "knowing" which is a highly developed internal awareness of
how incoming data interacts with our sensory organs and how that in turn
generates unconscious knee-jerk emotional reactions that can lead to
rather unpleasant, harmful consequences.