著者: g4sra 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] What should be the tasks of the Devuan Installer
[snip] >
> You are confusing a simple config file that is read once and for all
> during boot time (the config file on raspberry pis) with the complete
> installation of a new system. They are not even comparable. There is
> no thing like "oh I re-run the installer configuration to change the
> layout of my partitions".....
No, building a system under the concept I am trying to describe is a two step procedure.
You are still merging both steps into one.
Even simpler explanation (so simple it is wrong).
Stage 1) install kernel using program 1 from installation media.
-- reboot --
Stage 2) Install GNOME using program 2 from running built system.