On 2018-12-12 09:22, KatolaZ wrote:
> And please find below a more detailed explanation on the motivations
> behind each image:
> - netinst exist because it's the preferred way of installing minimal
> systems and servers;
> - the install DVD ISO exists because there are many users asking for a
> single medium that they can download once and install many times
> (e.g., due to bandwidth restrictions), and supports more than just
> - the 3-cdrom set exists because we had many users asking for a
> smaller footprint (again, bandwidth is not cheap everywhere) set of
> images that they could use to install offline with a minimal XFCE
> desktop;
> - desktop-live exists because many people asked for a live Devuan
> version which could be easily tried and installed. This is also the
> preferred Devuan flavour used in reviews;
> - minimal-live was thought as a recovery tool and has a specific focus
> on accessibility (especially regarding visually-impaired and blind
> users), and provides a full-featured console-based setup;
> - so many embedded images exist because ARM vendors have not agreed on
> a common standard;
> - qcow, vagrant, and vcox images exist because many Devuan users like
> to have ready-to-use images for their VMs;
> - on top of those, there are also the usual mini.iso and netboot
> images, although not advertised on files.devuan.org.
> Quite likely, each single user would just prefer one of those images
> and ask themselves "oh why on Earth there are so many, indeed?". I
> actually use almost exclusively the mini.iso or the netboot
> images.
> The answer is that there is no single Devuan user, and no single
> Devuan use-case, as the statistics above confirm. What is perfect for
> somebody, is dumb or useless for somebody else, and vice-versa. The
> whole point is to make an effort to look at the bigger picture:
> Since Devuan is one of the few dpkg-based systemd-free distributions
> around, we have the *obligation* to cater for as many use cases as
> possible.
> KatolaZ
There is already a page on the website that covers much of this
It is already the very first link on the Download page in this section:
Getting started
>>> Short install instructions for various platforms <<< Comprehensive upgrade and installation guides on dev1fanboy’s wiki
Devuan ASCII release notes to help with the upgrade
Perhaps a slight rewrite of that page and higher visibility - top of the
page and big red letters -
would suffice?