After a Dev1 Setup on a Laptop (whit eth0), i have to wait a long time
for the eth0 on "cold boot".
I "cold boot" my Laptop
I look to the "Boot Messages"
I see the following Msg:
Configuring Network Interfaces ifup: Waiting for Lock on
After 2 or 3 minutes to wait, the Laptop boot up,
In the folder /run/network/ i have - after the "long to wait boot":
ifstat (content: eth0=eth0 and lo=lo
ifstat.eth0 (content: eth0 )
ifstat.lo (content: lo )
ifstat.lock (content: empty )
The Packet: ifstat (1.1-8.1) current *not* installed!
What must i do to speed up my Dev1 Boot ?!
GnuPG Fingerprint: CF03 FC32 381F 7D6C 1734 8641 E4D8 5081 5E05 B5AE