:: Re: [DNG] Devuan for Raspberry Pi f…
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Skribent: info at smallinnovations dot nl
Dato: 2018-12-02 12:08 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Devuan for Raspberry Pi fried SD CARD.
On 02-12-18 13:01, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> Il 02/12/18 11:41, Edward Bartolo ha scritto:
>> Hi everyone.
>> Recently I have been using a Raspberry Pi 3B, obviously powered with
>> Devuan, to run as music player. Restarting it yesterday, I was
>> dismayed to discover it would not boot properly anymore, with long
>> lists of errors complaining about not being able to write to the SD
>> CARD. The latter is not full. Examining it I found it is now
>> permanently marked as read-only. Searching online for an explanatory
>> cause, I learnt this occurs when the maximum number of write cycles is
>> reached. So, the SD CARD, although brand new is now to be thrown away.
>> The purpose of this email is to ask how to radically minimized write
>> cycles to the SD CARD when I run Devuan for Raspberry Pi 3. I found a
>> how-to which uses /tmp fs for frequently modified system files, but
>> the user uses systemd and I do not want to have that.
>> Can any good soul help, please?
>> Thanks.
>   All you need to do is putting this line in /etc/fstab:
> tmpfs   /tmp    tmpfs   defaults,mode=1777      0 0
>   Then you go into runlevel 1, erase everything in /tmp, mount it and
> go back to runlevel 2 (or what you use on your RP3B).
>   Others have already suggested more ways you can reduce writes to
> your filesystems.  I would add, if your device's power source is
> backed by a battery and you use an ext4 filesystem, to format or mount
> it with:
> 1. journal disabled (nointegrity);
> 2. barriers disabled (nobarrier or barrier=0).
>   These mount options will increase the chance of data loss and
> filesystem corruption in the case of an abnormal filesystem close
> (system crash or sudden power loss), but significantly decrease the
> number of write operations on the ext4 filesystem during regular
> operation.
> Alessandro
> --
> Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
> VOIP SIP: dhatarattha@???
> Chiave firma e cifratura PGP/GPG signing and encoding key:
> BA651E4050DDFC31E17384BABCE7BD1A1B0DF2AE

If you disable journalling on ext4 you can just as well mount it with
ext2 afaik.

