Συντάκτης: Alessandro Selli Ημερομηνία: Προς: dng Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] /usr to merge or not to merge... that is the question
On 28/11/18 at 11:13, Didier Kryn wrote: > Le 28/11/2018 à 08:11, Rick Moen a écrit :
>> If I were relying on NFS during early boot, I'd file a bug against
>> package
>> nfs-common, and also, meanwhile, compile a local-package substitute with
>> either static binaries or ones linked to libs in /lib (and provide
>> those).
> Debian supports diskless hosts mounting an NFS filesystem on /.
This lies outside the case at hand, that was not centered on booting
out of a NFS /.
> Until the invention of initrd/initramfs, one could use an option
> of the kernel, which allows to link all the NFS client logic
> statically in the kernel and to pass the mount command arguments
> through the kernel command line.
> When using initrd/initramfs, this kernel option is no longer
> necessary and I guess it is just simpler to rely on the modules
> provided by nfs-common. The motivation is the same as for device
> drivers and filesystems: boot a generic kernel, have all modules
> available during early boot to mount / (and /usr).
> Didier
This does not address the issue of an NFS binary exec in / that has
libraries in /usr on a system that mounts /usr over an NFS mount
regardless of what the local / is lying on (local disk or network
Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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