:: Re: [DNG] merging /tmp
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Autor: Alessandro Selli
Data: 2018-11-28 09:32 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] merging /tmp
On 28/11/18 at 10:02, Rick Moen wrote:
> Swap files were common in Linux systems of the early '90s, but then fell
> out of use because swap partitions has a perfomance advantage. But
> then, someone found and fixed the performnce gap in the 2000s. Most
> admins just don't remember the option exists.

  The performance gap was reduced, but not closed (the filesystem layer
still has a say every time the swap is accessed).

  And it adds one more way swapped-out data could be accessed by
(possibly malicious) processes, i.e. accessing the contents of the file
(that's the reason swapon checks the file's permissions and does warn
you if they allow anybody other that the owner to read it).

Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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