:: Re: [devuan-dev] devuan's 1st confe…
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Autor: Daniel Reurich
Data: 2018-11-26 21:32 -000
Para: devuan developers internal list
Assunto: Re: [devuan-dev] devuan's 1st conference
On 27/11/18 09:34, Jaromil wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2018, golinux@??? wrote:
>> On 2018-11-26 13:04, KatolaZ wrote:
>>> OK, but what kind of amount we are talking about?
>> Around 60 euros (or a little more) was mentioned at this morning's
>> meet.

If this is the currently proposed registration cost, it's not a big
factor that would prevent most people from coming. Lets announce and
use any sponsorship to add value.

If we can get a good level of sponsorship, it may allow us to be able
to provide help those we want to attend who might have financial
challenges that would prevent them from attending (like significant
travel costs, or financial hardship).

> yes, this is based on the calculation that the whole conference
> costs are up to 5000eur for a maximum of 70 people attending and
> paying - and still we'd lose 10 eur per people aka 700 eur.

If that's a worst case scenario, then that's not bad at all. But what
if we get 100 or 150 registrants. Is there scope at that cost to move
to a bigger venue etc.

> considering that the costs include: venue rental and cleanup, catering
> food and drinks, filming streaming and editing partially covered by
> volunteers, travel and stay for some developers from the USA at
> convenient economy prices, renting some equipment.

We'd have to consider where cost savings need to be made if we can't
attract sufficient sponsorship to cover the shortfall, or registrations
don't fill out the event.
> this is a very optimistic projection and in my experience the whole
> conference costs will be in the range of 10000 eur meaning we'd lose
> half from current donations, which is too big of a slash from Devuan's
> budget ATM and IMHO.

If it will be positive for Devuans Development then we should consider
it a wise investment. I don't think if people care that they will let
us run short of funds. No point building a great big war chest and not
actually putting it to use. Provided we could cover the conference cost
overruns and maintain our existing infra for another 12 months, then
that doesn't concern me too much.

> another important parameter to take into consideration is that we are
> picking a small venue, considering the attendance will be below 70
> people - and even then we will barely have the capacity to seat
> everyone without rending chairs.

This is a concern to me as we need to be able to have room to scale.
Can you scope the cost of a venue that would provide for upto say 150 -
> if the attendance is bigger (which I think not) then the jump in costs
> is drastical, because renting a bigger venue will be MUCH more
> expensive and other costs would inflate too. So to scale up beyond 70
> people of paid attendance is a big bet and we should do it only to
> pass a certain treshold.

I agree and the best way is to set the registration fee for the first 50
tickets with an earlybird special fee at say 60 euro for regs received
before say 20th Jan, and then after that 100 euro after that. This will
give us time to guage interest, and if the registrations go well we will
be well in time to be able to secure a good level of sponsorship.

> not knowing about that now, the best is to gather interest and ask for
> sponsors, then indeed establish a deadline to close the plan and do
> with what we have.

I think it's too late already for that. We need to get registrations
happening ASAP as bigger sponsors may only come on board as they see the
event actually attracting registrations. One thing to look at is to
provide ready to go branding opporunities - Sponsored Coffee cart,
branded reusable cups, cost for branded items in the swag bag etc.

>> Absolutely ask for sponsors.

No Sell the sponsorship/branding opportunities

Every sponsorship/branding opportunity has to have a net cashflow
benefit for the conference budget either in paying for a facility to
make the conference more attractive or comfortable, or offsetting the
general conference operational costs.
> any good idea on the wording that should be used in the announcement?

"Dev1 Conference: Earlybird registrations open soon. Pre-register your
interest by emailing pre-reg@???.

Call for papers: If you'd like an opportunity to do a presentation at
Dev1-conf then please email a brief outline to cfp@???

Many Sponsorship opportunities for Dev1-conf are available. Sponsorship
prospectus to follow shortly - please contact sponsors@??? to
register interest and get early access."

Oh, and can someone secure the domain dev1conf.org and get a mail
service and basic site in place ASAP!!

>> Putting Dec. donations towards the event is an excellent fail-safe
>> suggestion.

No - don't make this sound like a charity case. You'll never get rid of
that stigma.
> yes I agree it is. summing up with the approach Ivan suggested today
> I'd say we are set with some good solutions to move forward, I do feel
> more confident now about this.
> I think we should close the planning on 7 December (first week) and
> then do the final plan (participant limits, costs) and re-announce
> with details.

Too late, we need to announce ASAP and start gathering formal interest


Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722