:: Re: [DNG] /usr to merge or not to m…
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Auteur: KatolaZ
Datum: 2018-11-19 12:53 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] /usr to merge or not to merge... that is the question??
On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 01:49:19PM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:


>   In my opinion, install CD/DVDs are one case in which the merge makes
> sense, as you inevitably have a single filesystem on the media anyway. 
> This does not prevent installing an unmerged filesystem, neither makes
> doing so any more complicated.  That I know of, no installer cares what
> the install media filesystem layout is like when they configure the
> target filesystem.  The target filesystem can use the same filesystem of
> separate ones for /, /usr, /var, /boot and/or /home and set them up as
> RAID, LVM or dm-crypt regardless of the install media FS layout.

Alessandro, please help testing the unstable netinst with non-merged
usr (see my other email) and report any problem. Trying out things is
the best way to see if they work or not ;)



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
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