:: Re: [DNG] initramfs?
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Autor: karl
Data: 2018-11-18 20:48 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] initramfs?
> Hendrik, you can uncompress the content of the initrd.img by the
> following way:
> 1) Rename it to initrd.gz and use gunzip:
> # mv initrd.img initrd.gz
> # gunzip initrd.gz
> 2) After that, you can extract the files using cpio:
> # mkdir tmp
> # cd tmp
> # cpio -id < ../initrd

Wich is the same as

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -id

so you don't have to rename the .img file, less typing.

/Karl Hammar

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