:: Re: [DNG] /usr to merge or not to m…
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Συντάκτης: Alessandro Selli
Ημερομηνία: 2018-11-18 11:49 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] /usr to merge or not to merge... that is the question??
On 18/11/18 at 09:32, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 12:22:18AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> [cut]
>>   Devuan was born to remedy a wrong turn taken by Debian's Technical
>> Committee, the VUAs who launched the project decided to take into their
>> hands the burden of reinstating to the fullest user's freedom of
>> choice.  Now there's another pending decision that might erode again
>> this freedom.  It could well be that Devuan will have to give in given
>> it's manpower and budget constrains.  Shall this happen it will mean
>> Devuan failed to show the world it's principles and directions were
>> sounder than Debian's, but I think that trying to achieve the success I
>> deem it deserves implies sticking with taking the brave decision to keep
>> undoing the wrong turns Debian's TC takes.
> Besides the drama: we built yesterday a preliminary version of the
> debian-installer for beowulf which has an explicit opt-in question for
> usrmerge:
> https://pkgmaster.devuan.org/devuan/dists/unstable/main/installer-amd64/current/
> and defaults to the classical behaviour (/bin and /sbin proper folders
> under /). Please use the mini.iso, and do not report any bug related
> to desktop thingies not working, since elogind and polkit-stuff are
> not there yet.

  Great!  As I already wrote: I think this is the best solution for this
issue, letting users choose defaulting to a sane, time-proven default.

  Thank you!

Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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