:: Re: [DNG] [FYI] Docker upgrade fail…
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Autor: Olaf Meeuwissen
Dla: Jaromil
CC: Steve Litt, dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] [FYI] Docker upgrade fails to restart daemon
Hi Jaromil,

Jaromil writes:

> dear devs,
> while maintaining and using at work the repos based on Olaf's good
> work here https://hub.docker.com/u/dyne/
> I can report that while using docker-ce 5:18.09.0~3-0~debian-buster
> on my Devuan Beowulf installation
> no problem is seen, can just /etc/init.d/docker start

The fact that you have to do that is the issue ;-/
On Ascii, I did the same and things are working smoothly.

> I hope this is useful info, not sure I'm missing the point here.
> In any case thanks for opening the issue Olaf, I've subscribed to it.

Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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