:: Re: [DNG] Online DNS & Bind Refeenc…
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Skribent: Gregory Nowak
Dato: 2018-11-06 23:10 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Online DNS & Bind Refeences.
On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 09:56:21PM +1100, terryc wrote:
> 1. What do people recommend as online sources for Bind configuration
> these days.

The bind9 administrator reference manual, which you can find at
isc.org, or as part of the bind9-doc package.

> 2. what programs do you recommend for checking the configuration files.

For configuration files, named-checkconf(8), for zones named-checkzone(8).

> The problem I'm hitting is the format of woa.com.au/ zone
> files and despite carefully deriving ones from examples in the Debian
> wiki I'm getting conflicting error listing. Frustrating.

If these are in-addr.arpa. PTR records, they could be conflicting with
the RFC 1918 zones bind9 includes by default.


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