:: Re: [DNG] ascii upgrade /w KDE
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Συντάκτης: Arnt Karlsen
Ημερομηνία: 2018-11-03 16:14 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] ascii upgrade /w KDE
On Sat, 03 Nov 2018 12:16:01 +0100, Martin wrote in message

> Arnt Karlsen - 03.11.18, 00:10:
> > ..I'm beginning to think the good people at kde.org may have
> > prepared themselves for this, by supporting, but not depending on
> > systemd: 8o)
> That is a pattern I saw with KDE project for quite some time. For
> example, Plasma's audio support called Phonon allows to plugin
> several multimedia frameworks.
> > ..maybe we should take over KDE like we did sysvinit?

..here is where I should have said "maybe we should take over
KDE packaging in Debian like we did with sysvinit?", I see I
appear more, er, imperialistic than I meant to be. :o)

> I would not aim at taking over KDE. But a cooperation on supporting
> Plasma on distributions without Systemd might be beneficial. As far
> as I know it should mostly work in the current state, as, as you
> said: Plasma does support Systemd, but not depend on it.
> > ..given RHEL's KDE move, and Ubuntu's init system(d), and the
> > historical systemd banana republic politics, they _may_ prefer
> > a plan B sort of wisdom over expensive panic attacks, if or
> > "if" somebody shoots down "systemd support of KDE"...
> Why would somebody do it?

..well, remember what happened to init system freedom
of choise in Debian? _Somebody_ shot it down. ;o)

> I don't think anyone has this kind of
> control over the project to just force it over them. KDE is one of
> the friendliest communities I have ever witnessed so far, there is no
> need to take it over or anything. Just work with them.


> Again, I'd focus on what I like to achieve, instead of wasting my
> energy to be against something. All the energy put into resisting
> systemd is better spend in supporting the alternatives.
> Of course you are free to spend your energy any way you like to.
> Currently I think there would not be all that much to do for KDE,
> however I know for sure when I switch to Devuan for my desktop based
> systems as well.

..as long as the good people at kde.org know us, and we them,
I see _no_ worries. :o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.