:: Re: [DNG] Plasma on Devuan Ceres
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Autor: Irrwahn
Data: 2018-11-03 08:02 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Plasma on Devuan Ceres
Martin Steigerwald wrote on 02.11.18 22:31:
> Hi!

Hi Martin!

> I am considering to switch this main laptop from Debian Sid to Devuan
> Ceres for quire some time already.

> So or so I am really keen to hear about how Plasma works on Ceres.


I didn't get around to testing Plasma on Ceres yet, but essentially it
_should_ run on Ceres just as it does on ASCII, at least that's the
goal. Except at the time of writing there are probably some quirks you
should be aware of, see below.

> How about integration of Plasma with other stuff?
> - NetworkManager:

I don't use it, cannot comment.

> - What about Pulseaudio?

Should be the same as ASCII, i.e. libpulse0 depending on libsystemd0.

> - How about plugable devices like USB sticks? Are they automatically
> detected in Plasma and ready to mount by click?

This touches on the probably most important area to pay attention to.
Given the current(!) state of the repositories you will likely have to
install some packages related to session management et. al. (policykit,
elogind, udisks2, ...) from Devuan ASCII. The experimental, unstable
(Ceres) and testing (Beowulf) repositories are currently catching up
to (re-)establish the intended package flow, which was bypassed towards
the ASCII release to speed things up.

Note that things are moving swiftly these days, as the `wizards´ are
pushing really hard to stabilize things beyond ASCII. (You guys rock!)

> Any other experiences about what does work and what does not work?


Sorry I can't be of more help, but maybe you got some pointers to what
kind of quirks to be aware of, especially that /right now/ you may have
to get some packages from current stable (ASCII) to get everything

Provided you still want to give it a go and not wait until the dust has
settled it would be great if you could report back about how it went.

HTH, best regards

Sapere aude!