Autor: Irrwahn Data: 2018-11-02 11:30 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] Please help with testing the new version of sysvinit
KatolaZ wrote on 01.11.18 22:44: > Dear d1rs,
> TL;DR:
> ======
> we need help in testing any regression with a new version of sysvinit
> (2.91-1+devuan1) that we have put in Devuan experimental [...]
Casually toying around with it (including randomly shuffling services
around some of the spare runlevels) in my ceres testbed revealed no
immediately obvious bugs or regressions. Will keep it installed and
include it in any further checks I'll do on ceres or beowulf.
Special thanks to all who engage in saving SysVinit from the danger of
being dropped from Debian, excellent work! To make it a full success I
would assume it might prove necessary to sift through the Debian bug
tracker for outstanding bugs filed against init scripts of individual
daemon packages. I'll notify the debian-init-diversity list should I
happen to stumble upon any such reports.
On a remotely related matter:
In case one experiences excessive boot delays with 4.x kernels during
startup of certain daemons (e.g. sshd, web server), particularly on
headless machines or VM installations: Those may be caused by entropy
starvation leading to blocked reads from /dev/random. This can be
alleviated by installing a userland tool to fill the entropy pool, for
example as provided by the 'haveged' package.