:: Re: [DNG] A shift in systemd develo…
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Autore: Bruce Ferrell
Data: 2018-10-31 02:52 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] A shift in systemd development
On 10/30/18 4:34 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 16:00:23 -0700, Bruce wrote in message
> <f419f7ad-8a5f-7dc0-9cd7-4234ddfb6c20@???>:
>> On 10/30/18 3:55 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
>>> On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:06:33 -0700, Bruce wrote in message
>>> <34aa7646-0df8-ceec-b3ff-98c5b34f1980@???>:
>>>> On 10/29/18 3:02 PM, golinux@??? wrote:
>>>>> OK.  Having no idea what an S/390 system is (except for a scan of
>>>>> the wikipedia page),  I'm hoping that someone can 'splain how this
>>>>> will affect community based Linux and everyone who jumped on the
>>>>> systemd bandwagon:
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>>> Lennart Poettering
>>>>> ‏ @pid_eins
>>>>> As you all know we never have been fans of portability. It will
>>>>> come at no surprise that in light of the recent developments we
>>>>> will discontinue all non-S/390 ports of systemd very soon now.
>>>>> Please make sure to upgrade to an S/390 system soon. Thank you for
>>>>> understanding.
>>>>> https://twitter.com/pid_eins/status/1056924336349691905
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>> What that tweet means is he can anticipate encouragement to leave
>>>> RH shortly
>>> ..maybe: ;o)
>>> https://devclass.com/2018/10/29/ibm-targets-red-hat-developers-sometime-in-2019/
>> Yep.  Having worked for them for a short short at one time, I can say
>> they take a dim view of devs (and execs) who give them the finger.
> ..that's you and me opining, and probably agreeing. :o)
> ..but what are the facts, and IBM's opinion on them?

LOL you are 100 percent keerckt and we are in agreement... I think!  Opinions are like.. We don't need to finish that, do we?